General Information

Department of Leadership, Ethics and Governance

Department of Economics

Department of Human Resource Management

Department of Gender Studies

Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

     General Information:


The Faculty of Leadership and Management Sciences comprises five departments enrich with competent lecturers in areas of leadership, ethics and governance; economics; accountancy; business administration; procurement and supply; project planning and management; human resources management; gender and development; community development; and information and communication technology.

The Faculty offers long and short courses programmes includes 18 months Masters Degrees programmes, three years Bachelor Degrees programmes,  two years Ordinary Diploma programmes, one year Technicians Certificates, and one year Basic Technicians Certificates programmes.

Short courses programmes offered are tailor-made related to the above mentioned expertise includes training in Leadership, Ethics and Governance to government and private sectors leaders. The following training programmes offered in the Faculty's departments:

Department of Leadership, Ethics and Governance

1. Master's Degree in Leadership, Ethics and Governance

2. Bachelor Degree in Leadership, Ethics and Governance

3. Ordinary Diploma in Leadership, Ethics and Governance

4. Technician Certificate in Leadership, Ethics and Governance

5. Basic Technician Certificate in Leadership, Ethics and Governance

Department of Economics

1.   Master's Degree in Economics of Development (On process to be started)

2.  Master's Degree in Project Planning and Management (On process to be started)

3.  Bachelor Degree in Project Planning and Management (On process to be started)

4.   Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (On process to be started)

5.  Bachelor Degree in Procurement and Supply Chain Management (On process to be started)

6.  Bachelor Degree in Accountancy (On process to be started)


7.  Bachelor Degree in Economics of Development

8.   Ordinary Diploma in Economic Development

9.   Ordinary Diploma in Accountancy

10.  Ordinary Diploma in Business Administration

11.  Ordinary Diploma in Procurement and Supply

12.  Technician Certificate in Economic Development

13.  Technician Certificate in Accountancy

14.  Technician Certificate in Business Administration

15.  Technician Certificate in Procurement and Supply 

     16.  Basic Technician Certificate in Economic Development

17.  Basic Technician Certificate in Accountancy

18.  Basic Technician Certificate in Business Administration

19.  Basic Technician Certificate Procurement and Supply


Department of Human Resource Management

1.   Master's Degree in Human Resource Management

2.   Bachelor Degree in Degree in Human Resource Management

3.   Ordinary Diploma in Human Resource Management   

4.   Technician Certificate in Human Resource Management

5.   Basic Technician Certificate in Human Resource Management  

Department of Gender Studies

1   Master's Degree in Gender and Development  (On process to be started)

2.   Bachelor Degree in Community Development (On process to be started)

3.   Bachelor Degree in in Gender and Development

4.   Ordinary Diploma in Youth Work (On process to be started)

5.   Ordinary Diploma in Gender Issues and Development

6.   Ordinary Diploma in Community Development

7.   Technician Certificate in Youth Work (On process to be started)

8.   Technician Certificate in Gender Issues and Development

9.   Technician Certificate in Community Development

10.   Basic Technician Certificate in Gender Issues and Development (On process to be started)

11.   Basic Technician Certificate in Youth Work

12.   Basic Technician Certificate in Gender Issues and Development

13.   Basic Technician Certificate in Community Development

Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

1.   Ordinary Diploma in Information and Communication Technology

2.   Technician certificate in Information and Communication Technology

3.   Basic Technician certificate in Information and Communication Technology



Dr. Zella is a lecturer and Dean of Faculty of Leadership and Management Sciences at The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy. His research interest includes Environmental planning and management, Environmental and natural resources economics, climate change and livelihoods.


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Email : rector@mnma.ac.tz
Location : Kivukoni Dar-es-salaam